Other Organizations
. . . that support the study of Midwestern culture
Black Midwest Initiative: www.theblackmidwest.com
Modern Language Association (MLA): www.mla.org
Midwest Modern Language Association (MMLA): www.luc.edu/mmla
Midwest Popular Culture Association: www.mpcaaca.org
American Literature Association: www.americanliteratureassociation.org
Association for the Study of Literature and Environment: www.asle.org
Popular Culture Association/American Culture Association: pcaaca.org
Poetry Society of Michigan: poetrysocietyofmichigan.wordpress.com
Detroit Working Writers: www.detworkingwriters.org
Midwestern History Association: www.midwesternhistory.com/
Members are also responsible for publishing and editing the following:
- Cornerstone Press
- Hastings College Press
- The New Territory's Literary Landscapes
- Urban Farmhouse Press